Taking bookstack DB backup in docker

Taking bookstack DB backup in docker in very straight forward. Copy this one line code, modify the necessary details, copy the modified code, paste it in terminal of the ssh session and BOOM! You are done with taking bookstack DB backup in docker.

sudo docker exec bookstack_db /usr/bin/mysqldump --user bookstack --password=bookstack bookstackapp > /home/bytegeek/bookstack_db.sql

Breakdown of the above command

  • sudo docker exec bookstack_db /usr/bin/mysqldump specifies the container name and in-app aka virtual directory location.
  • --user bookstack specifies the user authorized to take backup.
  • --password=bookstack specifies the password to authenticate the user, replace the password accordingly.
  • bookstackapp > /home/bytegeek/bookstack_db.sql specifies the location of the output file. This is the location from where you will recover the output file.

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